Lower Extremity Amputee Program (LEAP)
LEAP serves patients by providing a streamlined process to help navigate them through the treatment process
Reach Orthotic & Prosthetic Services recognizes that care for amputees can be disjointed and confusing. Reach developed the LEAP program to provide an improved way to navigate the process. We have teamed with physicians and rehab specialists to provide a program that connects patients with key treatment providers.
Meet LEAP’s program director
Ashley served in the US Navy before attending flight school in Portland, OR to obtain her helicopter ratings before transferring to Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University for her degree in Professional Aeronautics. Her career in aviation led her to San Diego and Los Angeles before returning back to Virginia in 2016. After suffering a back injury in 2018, she then pivoted professionally to the fitness and business development arena.
Ashley began training at Kaizen Athletics in 2021, opening her eyes to the adaptive training world via their non-profit, Kaizen Adaptive Training. After volunteering with the adaptive program and USO events, she found her calling working with amputees as the LEAP Director of Reach O&P.
She is currently pursuing her Master's degree in O&P Business Development and is on her pathway to becoming a certified Prosthetist Assistant, expected summer of 2024. She and her fiancé, Taylor, enjoy Crossfit and spending time with their two dogs; Clyde the Newfy and Atlas the pug.
Email Ashley
Leap team partners include:
• Physicians and Surgeons
• PM&R Physicians
• Physical Therapists
• Occupational Therapists
• Prosthetists
• Nurses
• Case Managers & Social Workers
• Vetted Peer Supporters
As a partner in rehab, Reach O&P provides education to LEAP team partners on the latest treatment processes and technologies available.

kaizen adaptive training
We are proud to work closely with local non-profit Kaizen Adaptive Training. Emily currently trains over 30 adaptive athletes and specializes in prosthetic and orthotic functional training.
Kaizen Athletics provides an all-Inclusive training facility for individuals with long-term physical or traumatic impairments (visible/invisible) through movement and community. We make fitness training accessible and inclusive for everyone, regardless of ability. It is an honor to serve our Wounded Warriors, Veterans, First Responders, Law Enforcement Officers and our Adaptive Community.
“My prosthetic patients mean the world to me, so I am picky with my suggestions. Emily’s Kaizen Adaptive Program has been and remains highly recommended within my prosthetics clinic. Seeing both the physical and mental wellness of my patients improve after working with Emily has been a blessing. She has the facility, the knowledge, and the passion to help prosthetic users excel in their health journey. I would encourage anyone with an inkling of interest to explore Kaizen and experience the empowerment.”
- Seth Smith, Certified Prosthetist / Orthotist